My horse crippler cactus is in bloom!
I find it so rewarding to have a cactus bloom. Mine only bloom once a year, if that, and the flowers are so beautiful.
Look at the shading, and the fringed petals. What can the purpose of the fringe be? I have no idea.
The fishhook cactus, on the other hand, keeps getting bigger but has never bloomed. It’s really a magnet for oak leaves. Later I’ll take some tweezers and try to get the leaves out of it. It looks drab today but it’s really striking after a rain — the spines turn bright red.
Nor has the prickly pear, although it gets several new pads every year. This is a blind prickly pear. It appears that there are no prickles on the older pads. Appears.
This is a new pad just getting started. The new pads are very cute, I think, with their little curly deals. I guess those are leaves, since the pads themselves are technically stems.
Think how excited I’ll be when these two bloom after years of keeping me waiting!