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Cross Stitch Patterns by Scarlet Quince ™ | Search Results
Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Cross Stitch Patterns

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A Congenial Task - John William Godward A Congenial Task - John William Godward
A beautiful woman in Classical dress seated on a leopard skin braiding her long, dark brown hair. Her clothes are deep red, blue, and green. She leans on a marble wall with a base of different marble, next to a granite column on a golden pedestal.
417 x 417 stitches ■ 130 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 23" x 23" or 59 x 59 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=GOD001)

A Red Rose - John William Godward A Red Rose - John William Godward
A beautiful woman in a dark red costume in the style of ancient Greece gazing pensively at a deep red rose. She has a pair of scissors in the other hand. On a marble-topped stand is a bowl of other roses in various colors.
284 x 480 stitches ■ 119 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 16" x 27" or 40 x 68 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=GOD002)

The Tambourine Girl - John William Godward The Tambourine Girl - John William Godward
A dark-haired girl in a gauzy magenta gown in the style of ancient Greece, with an orange scarf tied around her hips, pensively leaning against a marble wall holding a tambourine. (Neoclassical, 1906)
208 x 320 stitches ■ 94 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 12" x 18" or 29 x 45 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=GOD003)

Sweet Dreams - John William Godward Sweet Dreams - John William Godward
A dreamy-eyed woman in a pink tunic resting on a fur-draped marble bench on a terrace. Her back is to a blue sky and tropical sea, with pink oleander bushes and cypress trees in the background. (Neoclassical, 1901)
280 x 364 stitches ■ 116 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 16" x 20" or 40 x 51 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=GOD004)


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