Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Cross Stitch Patterns
Cross Stitch Patterns

Cross Stitch Patterns


Cross stitch chart: A Magnolia on Red Velvet - Martin Johnson Heade
A Magnolia on Red Velvet
Martin Johnson Heade
Cross stitch chart: Windflowers - John William Waterhouse
John William Waterhouse
Cross stitch chart: Young Woman with Cat - Pierre Auguste Renoir
Young Woman with Cat
Pierre Auguste Renoir
Cross stitch chart: Chat Noir - Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen
Chat Noir
Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen
Cross stitch chart: Lady with Unicorn: Sense of Touch
Lady with Unicorn: Sense of Touch
Cross stitch chart: Water Lilies - Claude Monet
Water Lilies
Claude Monet
Cross stitch chart: Bouquet of Flowers - Joseph Nigg
Bouquet of Flowers
Joseph Nigg
Cross stitch chart: Flaming June - Lord Frederic Leighton
Flaming June
Lord Frederic Leighton
Cross stitch chart: Tea - G. D. Leslie
G. D. Leslie
Cross stitch chart: Blue Horse - Franz Marc
Blue Horse
Franz Marc
Cross stitch chart: Autumn Cider Pressing - George Henry Durrie
Autumn Cider Pressing
George Henry Durrie
Cross stitch chart: Sunflower Seen from the Back - Daniel Froeschl
Sunflower Seen from the Back
Daniel Froeschl


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