Happy Autumn! I hope you live someplace
where autumn means cool crisp days, apple cider, turning leaves, etc. Here in
central Texas it still means nearly 100-degree temperatures.
Pattern Format Changes
We have made a few changes to our pattern layouts. A number of people have
suggested larger print in the floss key, cross-reference, and floss
usage sections, and we have accordingly increased the size of that print. It
seems to us to be very comfortable to read now (and we do admit it was pretty
small before).
We have also put the floss key and cross reference on a sheet by themselves,
following a suggestion by another member. Before, the chart began on the back
of the first sheet. If you want to tear the key out (maybe not a great idea!)
you won't also be tearing out the first page of the chart.
You can see these changes in the downloadable Redoute rose, and we
hope you'll like them! Visit
the member services page to get the new version.
We know that some of you still wish that the symbols in the
chart were larger!
Actually our symbols are at least as large as some other familiar brands, but we are
considering whether a large print version with really big symbols
might be feasible. If that would appeal to you, let us know.
Pattern Awards
We have two pattern awards to announce this month! Mrs. Gladys
Goldberger, Penfield, New York, received a copy of The Meeting on the Turret
Stairs, by Frederic William Burton, for being the first to suggest that
picture. And Kelly Searles, Chickamauga, Georgia, suggested The
Ball, by James-Jacques-Joseph Tissot, and received a copy of it. Thank
you both for your suggestions! Would you like to suggest a picture? Read how. |
The Meeting on the Turret Stairs |
The Ball |
More Gallery Updates
We have several new images in our gallery! There are new work-in-progress
pictures of In the Greenhouse and Madonna of the Chair. If
you scroll down, there is an update for Lady and the Unicorn: Sense of
Hearing, and a picture of the stunning completed Hollyhocks and Other
Flowers in a Vase!
Visit our cross stitch gallery.