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Bouquet of Sunflowers - Vincent Van Gogh |
Here are examples of this cross stitch pattern as stitched by customers. Click any picture for a closer look.
There are also many more pictures posted in our Facebook group. (You don't need a Facebook account to look.)
Bouquet of Sunflowers - Vincent Van Gogh | |
Stitched by Qihong, Boston, Massachusetts on 16-count aida
December 31, 2014 “I completed three pieces of work in the past few years. I used 16-count aida for all of them. Thank you for the beautiful patterns and turning my hard work into art work.”
Stitched by Marta, Valencia, Spain on 18-count aida
February 14, 2013 “After 3 years of interrupted stitching, finally last night I finished my first big work "Bouquet of Sunflowers - Vincent Van Gogh". It's stitched in 18 count aida and it looks wonderful. Can't wait to begin the next big project.”