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Blue and Green Music - Georgia O'Keeffe |
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Blue and Green Music - Georgia O'Keeffe | |
Stitched by Harriet Hart
November 25, 2020 “Finally finished my son's Christmas present! Georgia o'Keeffe’s Blue and Green Music. I'm letting him pick his framing. I'll post a picture after it's framed.”
More pictures by Harriet
Stitched by Julie, Montclair, Virginia on 16-count aida
April 10, 2011 “I finally received the finished Blue and Green Music, Georgia O'Keeffe, back from the framers. Of course, they didn't really take so long; it just seemed like it! It took me 10 months, on 16 count Aida. A picture can't do this one justice. There are wonderful harmonies of color, synchronicities of shading, and counterpoints of shadow that can't be duplicated by film or pixels. I am enchanted by the finished piece. I have made a good start on the Bierstadt, The Domes of the Yosemite, and find that I'm having trouble doing necessary home maintenance; I want to keep stitching! Thanks you, as always, for the hours of enjoyment you provide.”