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The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone - Thomas Moran
The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, a large canyon cut by the Yellowstone River in Yellowstone National Park. A waterfall from the plateau splashes in the background and the blue water of the river snakes along the canyon. The thermal activity in the area softened the rock, making it more readily erodible, and changed the colors of the iron in the ... 377 x 221 stitches ■ 128 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 21" x 12" or 53 x 31 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=MOR003) |
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Mountain of the Holy Cross - Thomas Moran
A mist-shrouded mountain with deep intersecting ravines that form a snowy cross, with wooded slopes and a plunging creek in the foreground. There is a mountain in the distant West That, sun-defying, in its deep ravines Displays a cross of snow upon its side. - A Cross of Snow, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Located in the Holy Cross Wilderness, the cross ... 240 x 309 stitches ■ 85 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 13" x 17" or 34 x 44 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=MOR004) |
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Cliffs of the Upper Colorado River, Wyoming Territory - Thomas Moran
The area of Green River after a storm. A group of Native Americans on horseback by the river are gazing at the dramatic illumination of the cliffs where the sun has broken through the storm clouds. By the time Moran visited, there was a thriving community on this spot thanks to the Union Pacific Railroad, but he preferred to imagine it at an earlier ... 437 x 292 stitches ■ 134 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 24" x 16" or 62 x 41 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=MOR002) |