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Cross Stitch Patterns by Scarlet Quince ™ | Search Results
Cross Stitch Patterns from Fine Art by Scarlet Quince
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Cross Stitch Patterns

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A Country Wedding - Pieter Bruegel A Country Wedding - Pieter Bruegel
Prosperous peasants at a wedding feast in a barn. The bride, seated before a blue wall hanging looks blissfully content. Servants hold a large tray with bowls of food which a guest is transferring to the table.
539 x 379 stitches ■ 125 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 30" x 21" or 76 x 53 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=BRE001)

The Tower of Babel - Pieter Bruegel The Tower of Babel - Pieter Bruegel
A king overseeing construction of the Tower of Babel on the plain of Shinar. After Noah's Flood, all people on earth spoke one language, and decided to build a great tower whose top would reach heaven. Displeased with their pride, God confused their language so they could not understand each other, and scattered them all over the earth.
361 x 267 stitches ■ 120 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 20" x 15" or 51 x 38 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=BRE003)

Bouquet of Flowers in a Clay Vase - Jan Bruegel Bouquet of Flowers in a Clay Vase - Jan Bruegel
A lush bouquet of irises, tulips, jonquils, hyacinths, lilies, roses, fritillaries, carnations, daffodils, chrysanthemums, and more, in a round clay pot. A ring, coins, and a few odds and ends sit on the table next to it. (Baroque, about 1599)
357 x 464 stitches ■ 115 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 20" x 26" or 50 x 65 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=BRU001)

The Harvesters - Pieter Bruegel The Harvesters - Pieter Bruegel
A ripe field of wheat being harvested. In the foreground, several peasants are having lunch under a pear tree, while others continue cutting and stacking the grain. Three women carry stacks of wheat over their shoulds as they pass along a lane in the wheat.
574 x 412 stitches ■ 120 colors (DMC floss} ■ About 32" x 23" or 81 x 58 cm (on 18-count) (pat.php?pat=BRU005)


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